Any questions about Autowells Co., Ltd.'s
technology and products, please contact us.

Tel. 062-372-3731
FAX. 062-372-3735
Mobile. 010-3287-3222

Leave your information and we will contact you promptly.

Headquarters: 209, Dementia Technology Verification Center, Gwangju Technopark, 249 Chuam-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju

Gwangju 2nd Office: 3rd Floor, 833 Sangmu-daero, Seo-gu, Gwangju

Seoul Branch: Healthcare Innovation Startup Center, 3rd Floor, Yonsei Bongrae Building, 36 Chilpae-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul

Wonju Branch: Room 105, 2nd Floor, Medical Device Industry Complex, 42-10 Taejang Industrial Complex Road, Wonju, Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province

Country *
Facility / Company Name *
Title *
Name *
Email *
Content *

1. Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
Identification of the user according to service usage, verification of real name, confirmation of intention to join, and usage of age-restricted services.
Delivery of notifications, securing communication paths for complaint handling, and obtaining accurate delivery information for goods.
Providing other smooth and high-quality services, etc.

2. Items of Personal Information Collected
Name, email, and other optional items.

3. Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information
In principle, personal information is destroyed without delay once the purpose of collection or provision is achieved.
However, for smooth service consultation, the information may be retained for 3 months after the consultation is completed. If necessary, due to other laws like the Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce, the information may be retained for a certain period.